For whom:
- Health & Well-being
Why / Advantages: LIPOLYS is a food supplement based on antioxidants to help women fight cellulite, the second nutraceutical formula launched by YAM Nutrition.
Ingredients: L-Citrulline malate, bitter orange extract (Citrus aurantium L.), chasteberry fruit (Vitex agnus cactus), quercetin, ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10), grape seed extracts (proanthocyanidins) .
Nutritional values: per capsule = Citrus aurantium extract (standardized as Hesperidin methylchalcone) 100 mg / Grape seed extract (standardized as proanthocyanidins) 50 mg / Quercetin 80 mg / Ubiquinone (Co Q10) 60 mg / Chaste tree fruit (Vitex agnus cactus) 100 mg / L-Citrulline malate 200 mg
Usage / Dosage: Take 1 capsule per meal, 3 times per day.
Precautions: This is a food supplement. Ask your doctor for advice.